My Engine Tuning Progress Bar

Monday, July 24, 2006

July ramblings

Hey there,
Its been awhile since I last posted, but I have been riding!
After the Cycle LA event I got a phone call from Jocelyn, one of my LA riders, he was informing me that he had ordered an ActionBent Jet Stream 3. So a week later it arrived and he has set it up. He loves it! Not only that but I had lent him a BikeE Ct for his wife to test, she liked it; so we found another used CT for her now they are both 'Bent. Jocelyn has the "fever" as he is in accessory mode right now. We went for a 16 k ride 2 weeks ago and he just loves the ride, now we are working at converting our friend Tom L "to the Dark side".

My family and I spent the long july weekend at Alberta Beach, I rode 86 k in all that weekend; fell and got a minor road rash when I hit a sand patch while turning around. Its a nice area to do some nice short rides along the lake side, I did a 46 k loop around the south end of the lake and back along the high way.

The Big News is that I completed my first Metric Century this past Sunday on the Tour De Alberta! A ride that North OF Greater Edmonton sponsored by the Edmonton Cycling and Touring Club. It was a great day, Clear hot and fun. I did really well ... until the last 30k, my legs were getting really tired and the last 8 k I could feel them begin cramping up if I stopped pedaling. I drank almost 5 liters of water( 2 of were loaded with an electrolyte replacer) along with Ecaps. Last night my thighs were quite tired and sore but I am okay today.
I did 101 k in 5hr 17 min at and avg of 25kph. I was pleased with that even though it seemed like everyone on a skinny tire DF passed me all the time with a higher cadence and less effort. My desire to get a more efficent 'Bent waxes and seems to get stronger on rides like this. I would like to try a dual 26 Swb, a Rans F5 Enduro catches my whim. We'll see...

Anyways, my fitness program stalled badly this last month ( gained 12lb) but I feel that I am back on track with even more determination than ever to get down to under 225. Its not easy, its going to take longer than I expected, but I will get there! In the following month I plan on going to the Oregon Recumbent Retreat and doing a a couple of 60k or so rides. And go on a potatoe free diet (nothing with potatoes, fries, chips, etc.) I'll keep you posted, until then ride comfortable, ride fast, ride 'Bent!
Oh yeah ... Keep yur feet up!