Well we finally got winter. Must have gotten 8 inches in the past week. That going to crimp my riding. So in the mean time I just sit in front of the computer dreaming of 'bents I can not afford.
Yesterday I went into Edmonton and picked up a new Swagman 2 bike xc platform rack for my 'bents. I was going to make one but it didn't pan out. So I spent sunday afternoon putzing around the garage with it and my Django. To fit both the Django and the Jet Creek I am probably going to get new bars about 8" longer on a side, for the Jet Creek to fit. It certainly seems stable with the Django and fast to put on and take off.
(But I broke my kick stand today when I took the bike off the counter after I took some pictures; now I got to call Bentley...)
I had mentioned previously I got a BikeE bag for my Django, well I finally got a couple of pics for you to see how it looks and how I attached it:
this will work for now. I will probably resew the clips on the bag so that the whole thing rides about an inch or 2 higher. It only has about 1/2 inch clearance over the fender, with some wieght in, I want it higher. Or, if I lose some weight I can raise the seat back up a bit and get more distance that way!
As far as my weight reduction is going, I am doing well on the diet but I think the snow zapped my will to excercise this week. I gained 2lbs, but they say "don't focus on the scale" it fluctuates and I should foucus on "fat loss" and how my clothes fit. hmmm, lately all my pants seem to droop and slide alot.
well better go, take care