'06 Edmonton MS Tour!
It was a great weekend, not to hot, windy or rainy. On Saturday I finished an hour earlier than last year, and finished Sunday 45 min faster than the year before. Plus, I hung out longer at the rest stops, was not as tired and I pedaled my butt up all the way 2.75 out out of 3 big hills. I averaged just over 23 kph on Sat and 19.9 on Sunday. I love riding my Burley Dajango Short wheel base recumbent. It was fast and comfortable, why would anyone ride long distances on a regular bike?
Long fingered gloves and wicking thermal undershirt really helped in the rain and wind.
I hung out with Kel, and was encouraged alot by him. He has a cool new trailer and really nice wife!
I really seemed faster, I thrilled at the perception that I was passing 60% of the riders. On Sunday in the section I suffered on last year, I had a ride marshal draft me for over 10k. I asked him how the ride was back there, he replied:"you could sit up a bit higher ... you got a real good pace going, thanks." I was spinning around 85 rpm and cruising at 25kph then and I thot and felt: "cool I can ride with the best of them!" that comment and the triumph of spinning up the big hills and finishing the ride not exhausted, really gave me a strong sense of accomplishment and reward. It enforces the desire I have to lose more weight and get even fitter!
From Xmas '05 to the ride I reduced 25% body fat and added alot of muscle (lost 45 lbs). My next goal is to ride 20-35 km on Cycle LA on june 24; ride the Tour De Alberta July 22. So I keep the motivation to reduce, live longer and fitter. I did not reach 275lbs this time, but it was a goal. I hope to get close to 260 by Sept - 230 by Xmas '06 - 195 for the '07 Tour.
Encourage me and pray that I stick to it. Being healthier and fitter is fun! Larry