My Engine Tuning Progress Bar

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Wilton Hall Ride

Today I was able to ride 30 km to Wilton Park Hall. It's a nice ride 8 km west of Calmar, then north 5km to the Hall, Then I did a loop around town to pick up some wings for supper.
The ride to the hall has some nice rolling hills and long grades of 2-3 degrees or more, so I get a nice burn out it and some nice speed. Its about 2/3 highway with wide shoulders and 1/3 quiet paved rural road.
The ride and a visit to the gym today earned me 2350 calories. It was still a bit cool +6 but sunny. It will be nice to ride with out face protection in a couple of weeks.
 I also stopped and raised my fairing 1.5 inches. In emails with Lonnie Morse from Portland (Long time Easy Racer Rider and tech guru) he advised me to raise my fairing after I had sent him some pix of me on the TE. It might create a bigger hole in the air this way but he says it is more areodynamic and it would help my speed and agianst the wind. My Ride back was into the wind for 1/3 so I thought I would try it. Yep, it worked, instead of the wind coming off the fairing and into the top of my chest, it was hitting me in the eyes. I may need to raise it another 3/4 of inch so it hits my visor and over my head. We'll see how it goes.

Well I reached 1/3 of my goal weight loss today. I am down 21 lbs towards 62 or more!  I can really see the difference in how my clothes are fitting. I have a wall I hit around 280 -275. I have not made it past this mark in 5 years of trying. Pray for me that I keep on exercising and watching what I eat. Once I hit 275 I know I can do it and the next 25 - 30 will be just as tough/easy as this first bit. Stay Tuned ....
Have a great day and get out and ride!